
Blaze of glory ds9
Blaze of glory ds9

blaze of glory ds9

I'm not sure where Kasidy Yates is supposed to be from, but it makes sense to me that someone with so many Bajoran contacts has Maquis sympathies herself.

blaze of glory ds9

It would not have surprised me to learn that Eddington was working with Bajoran supporters all along. One might expect a majority of Bajorans to sympathize with the Maquis struggle against Cardassia, as Kira once suggested they did.

blaze of glory ds9

This could have made for fascinating tension on Deep Space Nine and Voyager. Most of the Maquis we saw on TNG were former Starfleet officers who had serious ideological conflicts with the Federation: they believed that the terms of the peace with Cardassia violated the rights of Federation citizens. It's all well and good to sign treaties and declare that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, but quite a different matter when the minority is trampled by those dictates. The original idea was to challenge Starfleet and its highfalutin' principles. But I don't like what the Maquis has become for Star Trek. I have mixed feelings, yet I'm certainly sympathetic to the Maquis position. It's not even that I don't agree with Maquis supporters who believe the Federation leaders acted irresponsibly when they abandoned the citizens in the Demilitarized Zone. It's not that I don't like Eddington, or Ro Laren, or Tom Riker, or Chakotay. As Sisko and the refugees escape, Eddington dies trying to keep them safe. Eddington needed Sisko's help to evacuate the surviving Maquis from the planet. As Sisko soon learns, there never were any missiles. They enter the Badlands and find the launch site, but a Jem'Hadar squadron has gotten there first. Sisko believes the only hope of preventing war with the Cardassians is to recruit Eddington to deactivate the missiles en route. Starfleet intercepts a message reporting that the ravaged Maquis have launched cloaked missiles toward Cardassia.

Blaze of glory ds9